Young Bond 2: “Blood Fever”: Danish second edition (2012)


YB2 Den hemmelige loge forsidescan

Young Bond 2: Den hemmelige loge - en James Bond krimi (2006)

Charlie Higson

Danish second edition, paperback
Blood Fever (Puffin Books 2006)
Publisher: stella bøger
Publishing date: December 20, 2012
Translator: Marianne Muldbjerg
Editorr: Birgitte Muldbjerg
Cover design:; Kev Walker (illustration); DK Images (bugs)
Layout: Trine Larsen

Only two of the nine "Young Bond" novels to date about the young James Bond's adventures at Eton College have been published in Danish. However, the first two books in the series, "SilverFin" and "Blood Fever", have both been published twice in different Danish translations.

In 2012, only six years after Gyldendal published Charlie Higson's "SilverFin" and "Blodrus" in Erik Egholm's translation, the publisher stella books chose to republish both novels, newly translated with a lower readability index in an attempt to appeal more directly to a younger readership.

The back cover blurb reveals that stella books had plans to publish the third installment of the Young Bond series in 2013. This never happened, probably due to poor sales

Previous editions:
● Blodrus - et nyt nervepirrende James Bond eventyr (Gyldendal 2006)

Back cover:

YB2 Den hemmelige loge bagsidescan

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