The eighth James Bond 007 film from EON Productions, "Live and Let Die", was released in Danish cinemas on December 17, 1973. Six weeks earlier the new James Bond star, Roger Moore, passed through Copenhagen on his way to visit Sweden's Princess Christina in Stockholm. The weekly gossip magazine SE og HØR caught up with Roger Moore for a brief chat and an autograph. The signed pin-up photo in which Moore "shoots from the hip" was featured in issue no. 45 on November 9, 1973.
"I swear by heroic parts because that's where the money is. I'd prefer not to elaborate on my financial interests and sex life although there is no doubt whatsoever that I am a hero: I have been married three times."
– Roger Moore
The accompanying text was written by the magazine's royal reporter Mogens "Mugge" Hansen. Three years later he had his own unauthorized James Bond pastiche, "Gun with the Wind", published in paperback in Denmark.
● More about Mogens Mugge Hansen's unofficial James Bond novel "Gun with the Wind"