Tag: first edition

“Octopussy and The Living Daylights”: Danish first edition (1966)



100.000 er budt – James Bond (1967)

Ian Fleming

Danish first edition
Octopussy and The Living Daylights (Jonathan Cape 1966)
Publisher: Skrifola (Lommeromanen no. 451)
Translator: Rita Damm
Cover design: 

Ian Fleming's fourteenth James Bond book (his second collection of short stories) was the fourteenth to be published in Danish.

The short story "Snigskytten" (The Living Daylights) was reprinted separately in Danish as part of the anthology "Kisten og andre historier om gys og giftmord" (Lademann 1970).

Contains the short stories:
"Var det selvmord?" [= Was it suicide?] (Octopussy)
"100.000 er budt" [= The bid is 100.000] (The Property of a Lady)
"Snigskytten" [= The sniper] (The Living Daylights)

Later editions:
● Octopussy (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof 2014) - includes the short story "007 i New York" (007 in New York)

“For Your Eyes Only”: Danish first edition (1966)


Strengt fortroligt - James Bond (Skrifola 1966)

Strengt fortroligt – James Bond (1966)

Ian Fleming

Danish first edition
For Your Eyes Only (Jonathan Cape 1960)
Publisher: Skrifola (Lommeromanen no. 428)
Translator: Rita Damm
Cover design: 

Ian Fleming's eighth James Bond book (his first collection of short stories) was the thirteenth to be published in Danish.

Note: As was the case with Rita Damm's translation of "On Her Majesty's Secret Service", the Danish edition of "For Your Eyes Only" is somewhat shortened, although there is no mention of this anywhere in the book.

The short story "From a View to a Kill" was first published in Danish in the anthology "Nye kriminalhistorier fra hele verdenen" (Omnibusbøgerne 1960) as "Med udsigt til mord" (a literal translation of the original title). The 1960 version was faithfully translated from the English original by Karen Melsted. An abridged edition of the anthology was published by Carit Andersens Forlag as part of the Lommebusserne series in 1969.

Contains the short stories:
"Spioner i vinterhi" [= Spies in hibernation] (From a View to a Kill)
"Strengt fortroligt" (For Your Eyes Only)
"Fortrøstningens kvanteteori" (Quantum of Solace)
"Risiko" (Risico)
"Hildebrand-varianten" (The Hildebrand Rarity)

Later editions:
● Strengt fortroligt (Rosenkilde & Bahnhof 2014)